
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday from 4:30 PM – 5:15 PM.

The Confessional is located in the sacristy to the left of the sanctuary. Please proceed up the ramp and through the door.
If the door is closed, there is someone in the confessional. If the door is open, please proceed into the sacristy.
Confession is available to allow the penitent to remain anonymous.

Other confession times are posted in the bulletin and website based on the day and the season. At all other times, please contact the priests of the parish to schedule a private time.

Confession is available at The Pro-Cathedral of Saint Peter every Monday-Friday from 11:15 PM – 12:00 PM.

For your preparation:
USCCB – Examination of Conscience
Examination of Conscience – National Catholic Register
Examination of Conscience – Fr. John Hardon, EWTN

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